Catch Our Spirit

Beth Ami Congregation – Embracing Tradition, Celebrating Community, A Chance To Make An Impact

Join us on Your journey and be part of our Beth Ami family


We are a small, “boutique” conservative congregation located in the heart of Boca Raton. We have a beautiful building, a handicapped-accessible Sanctuary Bima, and a dynamic, innovative clergy. We offer an opportunity to make an impact for newcomers.

We take pride in our rich traditions and our dedication to fostering meaningful relationships. Whether you are a long-time resident, looking to get involved for the first time, or a regular religious service participant looking for a change in scenery, we would welcome you with open arms. Of course, snowbirds are most welcome.



Our community is centered around a small group of diverse individuals with a special focus on people in their golden years.

However, people of all ages are encouraged to join us as we come together to celebrate Shabbat and Jewish life.

rabbi Bertram Kieffer

Rabbi Hazzan Bertram Uri Kieffer served the Jewish community with distinction as a spiritual leader for over 35 years, serving congregations in Merrick, NY, Ft. Worth, TX, Lakeland, FL, Sunrise, FL, and Royal Palm Beach, FL.


He comes from a rabbinical family and has received various honors, including a Doctor of Divinity degree. As a former singer/entertainer, Rabbi Kieffer incorporates contemporary Jewish and secular music into his ministry, attracting large audiences. He has also served as Concert Chairperson for the Southeast Region of the Cantors Assembly.


Rabbi Kieffer’s passion for life is evident not only in his spiritual endeavors but also in his loving family, as he and his wife, Dianne, are the proud parents of five children, seven grandchildren, and Sheba (the cat!).

Cantor Lewis Messulam, PhD, JD

Born in Egypt, Lewis moved to England as a teenager when his family was expelled with all other British subjects in 1957, and to the United States in 1974.  After retiring from a career as scientist then lawyer, Lewis moved to Florida and joined our Shul in 2005. 

Since then he has served in turn as ritual chairman, Torah reader, and now Cantor for High Holidays as well as regular Shabbat Services.

Rabbi's Message

הודעת הרב

As a young boy, sitting around the Seder table, I recall vividly the fun it was to 
sing the traditional table songs after the Seder meal. My dad used to make it fun for 
us and our table guests by giving everyone rotating parts, changing the tempos of 
the songs midstream, and just making it enjoyable to share those moments of song 
with my family and our guests. As a kid, I easily made the connection between my 
Jewishness, having guests to our home, and most especially, sharing Jewish 
memories with those whom I most loved.  
As I think of those Sedarim now, some fifty odd years later, the memories are as 
warm and vivid to me now as they were while I was experiencing them. The fun, 
the song, the merriment, the Jewishness, the close family connections, were more 
than enough to stimulate the interest in me to try to “pass over” (sorry about that!) 
some of that experience to my own family.  
Nostalgia is great and it’s nice to share that with others. But now, as I see life 
through more discerning lenses, I’m thinking about those songs in a new light 
(sorry again!). “Adir Hu” (yivneh vayto b’karov) for instance, talks about how 
great God is and expresses the hope that his “house”, i.e., the Temple in Jerusalem, 
will be rebuilt yet again. For some in the Orthodox community, it is still hoped and 
prayed for that temple life as it was known 2,000 years ago, will return.  
For those of us holding a more moderate theology, what needs to be rebuilt if not 
the actual sanctuary? Could the song be talking about us?...our core?…our 
commitment?…our sense of identity with what came before us? I submit this 
thought to you for your consideration.  
Boy, did we have a great time with “Echad Mi Yodea”! The song counts 13  numbers of significance to Jewish life. For instance, One, refers to one God; Two, refers to the two tablets of the law; Three, to the patriarchs, etc. Each person at the table was given a number and had to chime in with his/her two or three words 
when the number he/she was assigned came up in the song. Sometimes, the speed 
of the song would really keep us on our toes.  
Looking at that song now, I’m thinking, “Why was that put in the Hagaddah”? If 
you look at the meaning of the words, the song reminds us of significant Jewish events, beliefs and rituals. It reminds us of our legacy of the Torah, the patriarchs 
and the matriarchs, the Talmudic influence on our people, the importance of a “bris” to Jewish peoplehood and much more about what makes us a unique people.  
These are the same words as the song of my childhood but now they’re 
experienced from a different perspective. Look what we as a people have brought 
to the world! Isn’t that something to “pass over” to our kids?  
And finally, I offer one more example of a childhood song seen with hopefully, 
more discerning eyes. You’d be hard pressed to find a Jew who has never heard 
“die, die, aynu, die, die aynu…Dayenu”. Pre-schoolers happily sing that refrain every Pesach.  
The verses in that song recount a list of some of the many miracles and 
interventions that God performed for the Jewish people throughout our history 
enabling us to survive for ‘lo these many years. He freed us from slavery, provided 
food (manna) for us in the wilderness, gave us the Sabbath, the Torah, and he 
eventually brought us to the land of Israel, as he had earlier promised to our 
forefathers. We say in “Dayenu” that if he had only done ONE of those things, it would have 
been “enough”.  
Through my now older eyes, I see this as a Jewish way of saying “thanks”. Thank you God for 
being there in our past. Thank you for being with us now. And, hopefully, you will help sustain 
us in the future. “Dayenu” teaches us to take stock of the wonderful blessings God has already 
given us. Each of us has much to be thankful for. If our cup is half full, it’s comforting to know 
that the other half is filled up with God so that no matter what disappointments may confront us 
in life, God is with us, and we are truly blessed.  
Dianne and I and our family wish all of you a Pesach of song, of merriment, of love, and of blessings. 
Rabbi Kieffer 

Scott Van Dyke, President

Dear Friends and Supporters of Beth Congregation,

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to every one of you for your generous contributions to our beloved Shul Beth Ami. Your support is truly a blessing and is with immense appreciation that we acknowledge your commitment to our congregation.

Your donations have played a vital role in helping us maintain and improve our synagogue. Thanks to your contributions, we have been able to continue offering a welcoming and spiritual haven for our community members. Your support has enabled us to carry out various important initiatives, including:

  1. Maintenance and renovations: Your financial support has allowed us to make necessary repairs and improvements to our synagogue, ensuring that it remains a beautiful and functional place of worship.
  2. Community Programs: We have been able to organize educational programs, cultural events, and religious services that bring our community together and strengthen our bonds.
  3. Religious services: We have been able to continue offering meaningful religious services and celebrations, enriching the spiritual lives of our congregation members. Your contributions, whether large or small have a profound impact on the vibrancy and sustainability of Beth Ami. They demonstrate your dedication to preserving our traditions, fostering community, and ensuring that our synagogue remains a source of inspiration for generations to come.     


Please accept our sincerest thanks for your ongoing support and commitment. It is through your generosity that we can thrive as a congregation and continue our mission of enriching the lives of our members. We are deeply grateful for your partnership in this journey.

We look forward to sharing the blessings of our synagogue with you and your loved ones. Your contributions truly make a difference, and we hope to see you at our future events and services. Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous donations. Your kindness strengthens our community, and we are immensely grateful for your support.

With warmest regards and deepest gratitude,

Scott Van Dyke


1401 NW 4TH AVE



Monday – Thursday: 9:30 AM – 3 PM

Friday: 9 AM – 1 PM